The perspective of life

Start: As we grow up, we face a lot of terrible moments and hardships at different stages but nobody teaches us this is the reality of life, what they are facing now, and why do people victimizes themselves instead of embrace it.
They didn't realize after embracing it, that makes them stronger.
The reality of life: When people encountered pain, hardships, and challenges they don't realize this is the other side of the same coin and when they came across this site, they did the same thing because they were living happily so far.  They never even thought about those challenges and bad time until that come in their life and when it comes, they face an inherent part of life that is called the reality of life.
Irrational fear: But the situation is never t  be that much tough, what we think in our mind and our assumptions make it harder. Once you face and after a certain time you can easily handle but it creates unknown fear because we never are familiar with this situation that much so our mind creates with new thing is an irrational fear if you ask some question with your fear why am I alive so far, if this situation is that much tough, what are you telling me? and how did I face the previous problem in my life till now? and you will see in this situation your brain can't tell you anything even he does not have an answer basically it's all about irrational fear but who will have a different perspective of life then I am sure everybody can face every situation of their life with bravery.
The perspective of life matters a lot: Life comes with endless perspective but what matters that should be a practical and reasonable solution that comes with a reasonable mindset because when we come up contact with person, place or situation our mind reacts emotionally because our emotions heaviness takes over mind at that point of time that is why a person should be practical instead of being emotional because it affects sometimes your decision making that means you are not stable enough, therefore, a person should rely on the practical ground in a tough situation that helps you a lot it gives you a new perspective of about a life because who can beat easily, who have a different perspective to seeing life that becomes and comes from the cultivation of the mind which is known as "Maturity".

PS: If you don't agree with my thoughts then please let me know in the comment because I believe criticism is the biggest teacher for anyone and learning is a life long process.
