Few Life lessons that i got from this the whole pandemic (COVID-19) situation.

We all are living in this modern era, where it is very tough to anticipate, what is going to happen next?
This event, which is known as pandemic (COVID-19). We learned from a lot of the most important lessons that will help us to live in a better way ahead. If ever we encounter this kind of situation again.

1. "Work from Home" culture has arisen at a very good level, people can understand the importance of this culture and I reached my peak productivity at this time otherwise, I don't know about myself that much and how much I can do. This is gonna be a new working style across the world after this pandemic.

2. Telecommunication, video streamings have to take the initiative to regulate so much work like; meetings, studies, communication with friends and families, interviews of companies, last sem students have done their work online and exams, etc. across the world. it means we can see future technology automation that will completely regulate our work.

3. We learned about the importance of nature while in lockdown. where all the shops, factories and all over countries complete shutdown on the other hand positive effect of nature arose and we saw lots of pictures of flying birds, cleaned rivers, sky and wind, atmosphere level increased, noise pollution
decreased all the results we got a completely different beauty and reality of nature so we should respect and try to maintain this beauty of nature.

4. Life is unpredictable so we should be prepared for this kind of powerlessness or helplessness event because we can't anticipate but we can resist that is why I introduced "be prepared" because if you are financially stable and mentally stable then you can survive in these kinds of events easily.

5. Here, investments and your financial savings play the most important role. I think after this whole situation, we should invest your 6-month salary for emergency events which can make you helpless at any point in time like this situation, I am pretty sure it means a lot for everyone in these kinds of situations.

6. We got our real heroes while in corona lockdown and we saw a daily basis. sorry, no no, I am not talking about your so-called "Bollywood stars" and "marvel heroes", I am talking about our "REAL HEROES" of our real-life and they do not wear any kind of special costume and they do no look so good like a star but still they are our "Heroes" and they are nurses, doctors, workers, cleaners, police, etc. who left their family alone for doing their work in days and nights for our country or for ourselves and I gained a lot of respect for those kinds of people.
I can tell you a lot but I think, this is fundamentals.

"Respect is a consequence and consequence comes from the right action.

Happy reading !!!

"stay safe stay home"

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  1. reading your blog roughly two months later, I realize that all you mention is true enough to justify the present situation and forthcoming Future too. Malcolm X once said "Future belongs to those you prepare it for today".

    1. Thank you for reading this, i truly agree with Malcolm x.


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